Pages in Excellence

Saturday, March 27, 2010

P90X Delayed - Accidents Will Happen

Little excitement at my house! Last Sunday afternoon after returning home from Texas, I attempted to repair my oven door. Our glass door got broken right before vacation. I ordered the replacement glass and repairman said it was an easy fix and I could save myself a service call if I did it myself. To replace the glass front on our oven you have to remove the oven door. Actually removing the door was really simple. There are two safety latches that you bend down (about 1 inch long) and then you lift up and unhook the hinges. A few screws loosened, pop in the glass, tighten the screws and reattach the door. Simple right?

Well when I attempted to reattach the door one side didn't quite catch. I didn't want to drop the door (which was much heavier with the glass), so I was sitting on the floor balancing it on my knee and reached across with my right hand to try and lift the hinge on the other side. The hinges are spring loaded. When I lifted the door the hinge snapped shut sending the safety latch piercing through my right hand just below my thumb. Actually it made such a loud noise and happened so quickly like a mousetrap snapping shut that at first I didn't even realize it had pierced my hand. I grabbed the hinge with my left hand, pulled it open and noticed this big red mark that I thought was a blood blister. By the time I stood up a stream of blood about 1/4 inch thick started spewing out. It was just like what you see in one of those horror movies.

I ran to the kitchen sink and it immediately filled with blood. I tried to hold my wrist tight and stop the bleeding putting my hand under cold water and it just kept bleeding. Finally I had to put my left thumb in the hole and keep pressure to slow the bleeding. Drake (my eight year old) was trying to call Rod (hubby) who was at work, but we couldn't get through. By that time I was starting to pass out. So he called 911. By the time the ambulance got here I could barely stand. When they tried to move me from the sink my knees buckled and I fell to the floor.

Needless to say they freaked out because my blood pressure was 60/40. They couldn't determine how much blood I lost because I washed it down the drain. So I got oxygen and they attempted an IV but my vein just blew out. So I got an ambulance ride to ER. Where they made me drink so much water trying to get my pressure up. The whole time it never would come up past 70/40. They made me eat a half sandwich and drink some milk. X-rayed the hand-fortunately it missed the bone and didn't go completely through. The doctor said another millimeter and I would have crushed my thumb. After 5 stitches and making me eat a tray of food and drink what felt like 3 pitchers of water my blood pressure came up to 88/60.

They think my doctor has overshot my dosage on the Lisinopril...surpise? Yeah, I tried to tell him that. So they told me not to take it until I got with my doctor to adjust the dosage. My hand was pretty swollen. Monday my thumb swelled up the size of my palm. I didn't get much sleep because they didn't give me anything for pain. So Monday I didn't get to push play. In fact, no pushups or pullups for at least 10 days. Can't really lift weights right now, might bust open the stitches.

By the way, later Sunday evening Rod attempted to put the oven door on and the spring-loaded hinges snapped at him. He had to use pliers and a screw driver to force them open. They are that tight. I opened it with my left hand when the right hand was that has to tell you what your adrenaline can do when you panic. I sure couldn't open them now! Amazing huh?

Tuesday I made up my mind I couldn't afford to just not do anything. So I am doing the Debbie Siebers Slim Series until the hand can fully recover. It has been fun getting back to those killer glute burning workouts that only Debbie can get you through. This morning was Tear It Up! OMG! How I had forgotten what a major BURN that workout is. 177 HRM and 888 calories burnt! She is totally going to keep this gal P90X ready.

Also, this month Team BeachBody is running an exclusive sale. If you purchase a month supply of Shakeology, you can get Debbie Siebers remastered Slim in 6 program for 25% off! Great Deal and a must have for any Team BeachBody Library. You never know when you might have to "modify" your workout regimen to accommodate one of life's little hiccups! Offer ends April 30th, so don't forget to check the details!

Looking forward to getting back to the P90X, but I know I am in good hands with Debbie until then!

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