Truth of the matter is, if you are looking for a meal replacement - then you really ought to be looking at the nutritional value you are substituting for your meal. Otherwise you are probably going to rob your body of some very vital nutrients you need to help build and develop the lean muscular body you really want. So how are you going to know what's right for you? The same "label reading" method you have been perfecting when making better food choices while developing healthy eating habits. You need to get out there, look at the assortment of products and make an informed choice about what is right for you. Not just because some Hollywood actor or actress says it's "how they got their body." I'm betting all those personal trainers and hours at the gym had a little to do with it. I mean, if I could spend 4-5 hours in the gym everyday I probably could get that hourglass killer body while being the spokesperson for tap water. But I imagine most of you reading this are just like me. I live in the 8 to 5 corporate world where my mornings are filled with rise and shine workout sessions (even though P90X+® is so worth it) grabbing a quick shower, making breakfast and getting the little guy off to school and me out the door to the job within seconds of missing the next click on the time clock. My evenings are spent cooking meals, helping with homework, doing the dishes, getting the little guy off to bed and then if I am lucky, a few minutes to myself to blog or play on Facebook. My weekends are filled with catching up laundry, running errands and attending whatever sports activity my little guy is currently participating in (sometimes multiple events on one day). I just want something that helps me meet my nutritional goals, taste good and is convenient enough I can pack it and GO!

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