Pages in Excellence

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Moving Away from the Fat-Zone

I am already into my second week of the Brazil Butt Lift ® and loving it. I admit the moves are somewhat challenging. Trying to convince my hips and arms their movements need to be more choreographed has been an uphill battle most nights, but still fun. Who knows, maybe with a little more practice I will develop some of those sexy dance moves to take to the New Year's Eve party this year. One thing is definitely for certain, at this point in the game...Shakira, I'm definitely NOT!

I'm still working hard on my P90X ® and TurboFire ® hybrid. I love bringing in the TurboFire ® HIIT routines. Definitely adding the "FIYA" to my "X-land" and starting to see the results. This past weekend I got to take my 60-Day Progress Photos and was really pleased. You know, I may not be the overnight sensation, but I am definitely making some noticeable changes in my body. That to me is enough to keep my motivation right on track and me pushing forward. Besides, this is a lifelong plan for me. I'm not looking for rapid results, I'm looking for LASTING RESULTS! Huge difference, especially when it comes to getting the body that I want and keeping it.

So many marketers are going to be vastly pushing the next fad diet to help shed all those unwanted holiday pounds. All I have to say here is, "buyer beware." What sometimes appears to be the simple solution, may not be all it's cracked up to be in the end. The thing about fad diets is remarkably they work to get rid of those unwanted pounds really quickly. The price you pay is usually opting on nutrition and giving into a diet that is either "low-carb" or "low-fat" and like magic the pounds seem to fade away. Eureka! Success! But is it really?

Sadly, anyone that has ever ventured on one of the latest trendy fad diets is most likely to become incredibly discouraged once they return to a more realistic way of eating. In fact, statistics prove most of these people will gain more weight than they actually lost while succumbing to the diet craze. This only leads to more self-doubt and actually feeling like a failure because they think they must have done something incredibly wrong. Can I get a show of hands on how many of you have been on this yo-yo game?

Coming from personal experience, I too have played this game many times. As a matter of fact, before becoming a Team Beachbody customer I had lost 45 pounds in as little as 3 months on that well-known eat all the meat you want diet. I won't name names here, but I think you all probably know what I'm talking about. I was certain I had found that "magic bullet" - the one sure-cure for getting thin. I just neglected to research and find out what I was actually doing in the process. I not only lost the weight, but I lost the muscle, too. Hmm, I hadn't bargained for that loss. Then, just as promised, once I started to bring those carbs back into my diet, you guessed it - BAM - twice as large and I can guarantee you it wasn't muscle that came back.

I had really reached that point where I just felt like I was done. It must be old age, genetics or maybe I was one of those people that was meant to be fat and jolly. Which by the way, does anyone really ever feel "jolly" when they're fat? Seriously, I was on a one-way track to the "morbidly obese zone." I am so thankful for people like Chalene Johnson and Turbo Jam ® . I'd hate to think what may have happened had I not caught a glimpse of that informercial that night. At that point I didn't get the concept of diet and exercise. Or even how important both are together. But over the course of time, a few setbacks and finally "grabbing a clue" I found my way to the person I am today.

Point of the story...there is NO perfect diet out there that is going to give you rapid lasting results. The true way to get where you want to go and stay there is going to take finding lifelong habits you can live with. It isn't about cutting out a specific food group - it's about eating a balanced nutrious variety of healthy foods and setting up a daily exercise regimen you enjoy. I'm glad for what I found with Team Beachbody. Just watching how far I've come and where I'm going is all the proof in the world this isn't a fad - it's a lifestyle!

So what about you. Are you ready to say goodbye to the yo-yo game and hello to the happier healthier you? I'm only a mouse click away. It's that simple. Come and join me for FREE! Isn't it about time you put an end to the madness and discovered who you were truly meant to be? Team Beachbody is the solution.

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