Pages in Excellence

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Winding Roads to Success

We are winding down to the last few days of the Tony Horton Eat Clean Throw Down on the Cinderella Pact message board. The girls have done a simply fabulous job. They are all feeling a renewed sense of empowerment with their nutrition and fitness goals. I'm very excited to have been a small part in their journey and look forward to sharing in their success stories. We really have developed a great support system and I am hopeful that others will come and join us. It really is about giving back to others to ensure their success as well. I am certain there will be future challenges as I have made this my mission in life - to let others know with the right nutrition and exercise it is possible to have that body you have always wanted!

I am now into my second week of the P90X Plus. I have nothing but rave reviews for this series. I enjoy the fact that the workouts are shorter - but even more so that they don't lack for intensity. This series still gives you that great "dig deep, push hard" P90X ROCKING POWER we all came to know and love. Only difference is the quicker pace. Yeah, you won't stand around with this series. It is all about getting in there and bringing the sweat. Tony didn't mess around with this is definitely a great compliment to the P90X and a "must have" for any Team BeachBody library.

I have to say, Kenpo Cardio Plus is definitely a favorite. If you are like me and really enjoyed the KenpoX then you are in for a real treat with the Kenpo Cardio Plus. Tony has taken your favorite KenpoX moves and nicely blended the hand and foot action into one killer combination. Again, another likity split killer workout that promises you will be headed off for that P90X Recovery Formula soon afterwards. "Ah!" It certainly doesn't get any better than that.

This morning was YogaX for me. I can't believe how greatly I have improved since my journey with P90X began. I have to wonder, "Am I really getting that much better or is it the fact that I don't have all that belly fat to contend with anymore?" I am guessing it is probably a little of both. Whatever the reason, the key most important point is how great I feel. Not only has my physical appearance improved, but my mental state and confidence are soaring to new levels. You know, I have heard the phrase "nothing taste as good as fit feels" many times on this journey. As corny as I thought it was, I have to admit there is definite truth there.

If you are reading this and wondering if P90X or P90X Plus is a good fit for you, just shoot me an email at . I will be more than happy to visit with you about my success with the program and if it would work with your fitness needs as well. I also have plenty of experience with other Team BeachBody fitness programs. I realize when it comes to fitness there is no such thing as "one size fits all." No worries, there are definitely plenty of options available. So let's get together and talk about fitness!

Keep Bringing It!!!

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