Pages in Excellence

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

P90X with Tony Horton!

My goodness, has it been that long since I've been in here? Hmm, I guess it has. Well, I apologize. It must mean that I have one heck of a busy life and a busy life is a good sign. No, seriously there have been a ton of things going on in my world and now I'm ready to get back on a roll with the blogpost.

First, I want to tell everyone about the absolutely amazing time I had at the P90X Super Saturday Event with Tony Horton in Dallas, Texas. I'm telling you that if you ever have the opportunity to attend one of these events - GO! You won't be disappointed. It was so electrically charged with people from all levels of fitness coming together for the opportunity to workout with the one and only master of fitness himself, Tony Horton. The guy is a pistol! And yes, he looks just as amazing in person as he does on those videos. There is definitely no special effects and lighting going on. It all the total package deal...he is 100% genuine and real. If I sound like a groupie, I totally am! This man has changed my life and way of thinking in more way imaginable. To finally meet him in person had me totally mesmerized and at an absolute loss for words. Just ask my son and he will tell you. I totally burst into tears when I finally got through the hundreds of people in line to have their pictures taken with him. *Sigh* So worth it!

Absolutely My 15 Seconds of Glory!
Only one other person holds my attention just as much. Ok, you all know that I'm talking about the one and only Steven Tyler. Yes, my worship of Aerosmith goes back decades, but I'm telling you Mr. Doc Horton has the same effect on me. Now if Tony could add some Aerosmith tunes to super P90X ® me, I would be all over that in a heartbeat. What can I say? Both of these guys totally ROCK my world and set me on fire to do better and push harder. Steven for his music and Tony, no doubt for his knock out workouts that are totally giving me back the chance to have that ROCKSTAR body. And don't you think there is just a little rockstar in all of us?

I also want to than Melissa and Robert Hudgens for hosting the event! They made the whole thing possible and it was done Team Beachbody Perfect! There were two breakout sessions in which we were privileged to see and hear some remarkable transformation stories. We also got to hear Tony's "11 Laws of Health & Fitness." Definitely some good stuff in there that I will be sharing with the Cinderella Pact and undoubtedly in here as well. Simply because when Tony talks, people listen...and take notes. Trust me, I did. Just the same as the night he turned my nutrition world upside down with his challenge that inspired the Cinderella Pact in the first place.

Look, I could go on and on about the difference this has made in my life, but I know you really want to see the results. Well, come Friday I will be posting those 30 Day Progress Photos. All I can say is this round has me definitely feeling the strength and seeing some muscle peak around the layers of fat that seem to be melting away. I may not make the super model transformation, but my fitness and health have improved leaps and bounds. So when people ask me, "Does it work?" Proudly I say, "Just look at where I was and where I am now."When people tell you Team Beachbody is changing lives...I am most definitely one of them!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Low-Impact Can Still Mean High-Intensity

Today was a great workout with the TurboFire ® Fire Class 45 EZ. I'm finding it extremely difficult to hold back the strong urge to let my feet leave the ground. Sometimes I think that the intensity is even magnified just fighting the impulse that builds inside me as the music and Chalene Johnson make me just want to JUMP! 1..2..3..4..I just have to stop myself and count to ten each time. I can do this low-impact. But with all is hard.

The scary part for me at this moment is realizing that jumping is no longer an option for me. I truly do understand the consequences of such an action. My knee has been through a lot. The thought of heading into surgery again keeps my feet firmly planted on the ground even though my heart really wants to cop the air and touch the ceiling. But I'm making the adjustment. I'm watching, learning and finding ways to not let my limitations keep me from making the most of my workout. Just because it has to be low-impact doesn't mean it can't be high-intensity. One of the reasons I am truly thankful that Chalene did include a modifier with TurboFire ® . And let me say, just because it's low-impact for me, don't think I can't still bring a sweat. I totally ROCK the sweat-factory!

The nutrition is going well. My husband is about Veganed-out. But for me, it has helped me overcome a hurdle and plateau. Not to mention I actually ENJOY all the new menu items. It really has gotten me out of my comfort zone and made me explore all the fresh fruits and vegetables my diet was really lacking. The great thing is - I like it. It is fun going to the produce aisle and exploring all the vegetables I've never even thought of preparing. Now I find myself almost seeking out something different so I can experiment with it in some new recipe. For the most part, I've been really pleased with my creations like the Italian Chickpea Artichoke Stew. I even took a sample to work with me and shared with my boss. She loved it! I can't help but think how far my life has come since Tony Horton made that infamous challenge in the chatroom that night, "No alcohol; No caffeine; No refined sugar or white flour; No wheat products or gluten; No dairy products; No meat or animal products for two weeks." My life was forever changed. That was the pivotal moment that set the wheels in motion and finally it all clicked. Nutrition and Exercise are the whole equation for a HEALTHIER HAPPIER YOU! I actually do "think" before eating now. Food has become Fuel!

I know I sure can't wait until this weekend to finally meet Tony Horton in person. WOW! Sometimes I have to pinch myself to think this is actually my reality. I would of never guessed in a million years that I would find myself actually making a career doing something I totally enjoy. But it has become such a passion. I wake up each morning eager to get to the basement and slam in the DVD for some "go-time". All the while knowing that I'm giving my body the best attention it has ever had. I mean, I'm actually starting to see muscles...ME...I'm getting muscles. I don't know for sure if I've ever had them. I know that sounds silly, but as long as I can remember I've always been "soft." LOL. Even when I was considerably thin, I don't recall ever seeing the outline of a muscle. The more I see it now, the more encouraged I am to keep "PUSHING PLAY." It is like an addiction, but the kind I'm willing to accept.

The best thing about all of this is having a great community of Team Beachbody members and coaches to share it with. I've made some really fantastic friends along the way. These people started out being my "buddies" and have ended up being my "life support!" I know whatever it is I'm feeling or dealing with, there is someone who is going to help me through it or going to give me that 'attaboy' for getting it done. You can't help but be inspired by the sheer determination and team spirit which truly runs rampant on the message board threads. Just watching any one the thousands of transformations that are happening on a daily basis is enough to lift you up and get you going. I'm definitely so proud to be part of this movement in lifelong health and fitness. It feels great to know that in some small way, I'm contributing to an even grander scale.

We will win the war on pound, one inch, one person at a time!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Italian Chickpea Artichoke Stew


3 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 medium White Onion, diced
1 medium Green Bell Pepper, diced
2 stalks Celery, sliced thin

8 cups Water
1 Not-Chick'n Gluten Free Vegan Bouillon Cube
1 tbsp Ground Garlic
1 tbsp Ground Basil
1 tbsp Ground Oregano
1 tbsp Ground Black Pepper
3 medium Potatoes, peeled and diced
2 medium Parsnips, peeled and diced
2 medium Carrots, peeled and diced
1 15.5 oz. can Chickpeas, drained and rinsed

1 14 oz. can Artichoke Hearts, packed in water
2 14.5 oz. cans Peeled and Diced Italian Style Tomatoes

Sea Salt to taste


In large stockpot heat olive oil over low heat. Stir in onions, peppers and celery and saute until tender.

Pour in water. Add in bouillon cube and spices and bring to a rapid boil. Add potatoes, parsnips, carrots and chickpeas. Cook for 20 minutes over medium high heat covering pot with airtight lid.

Drain artichoke hearts and add to stew. Pour in two cans Italian style tomatoes and juices. Reduce heat to simmer and cook an additional 20 minutes.

Salt to taste. Makes approximately 8 1-1/2 cup servings.

Serving size: 1.5 cups
Approximately: 8 Servings

Nutritional Info
Calories: 226 Total Fat: 7 g Cholesterol: 0 mg
Sodium: 642 mg Potassium: 621 mg Carbs: 38 g
Dietary Fiber: 9 g Sugar: 6 g Protein: 6 g

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Going Green to Get Lean

Just recently I registered to do the 21 Day Vegan Kickstart. I'm happy to say that I am now on day four and really enjoying the variety. I've been trying very hard to keep up with a Vegan/Vegetarian diet for sometime now. This site was interesting to me because it offered a menu planning feature. So it is like taking all the guess work out of that famous question, "what's for dinner?" The nice thing I've noticed about the site is it outlines the menu items, gives you the option of printing a handy shopping list for the week and the recipes are only a mouse click away. Doesn't get any easier than that.

I've even managed to try something new. This week I bought couscous. This is one of the easiest things on the planet to make. OMG! Pour the box in a large bowl, add two cups of boiling water, stir, cover and in 5 minutes it is done to perfection! WOW! Where have I been all this time? The recipe for the Couscous Confetti Salad was great! I made enough of this stuff that I even took it for lunch today. I will admit, I made a couple of alterations. I used chopped red onion in place of the green onion, and green bell pepper instead of the red (that was really a price factor thing - why are red bell peppers ALWAYS twice as much as the green ones?) and I used Craisins instead of raisins. But it was still very good.

As a matter of fact when I came home last night my husband was like, "please no more vegetables!" I think he is almost Veganed-out, poor guy. But he loved what we had for dinner (he always does) and ate it down like a champ with no complaints. We made the Southern Beans and Greens with a side of the Coucous Confetti Salad and threw in some homemade Vegan-friendly cornbread muffins.It really was a terrific meal.

The more I explore eating Vegan/Vegetarian the more I am convinced I'm doing something really good for my body. After years of processed foods loaded with preservatives and things I can't even pronounce, it is nice to see the solution was always there in front of me. It is all about eating a balanced diet. About going back to our upbringing when once upon a time families actually sat around the dinner table and ate REAL food. Not just something that was nuked on high for 3 minutes and thrown in a bowl to woof down sitting in front of the television set. It's about actually going to the produce section in the grocery store and exploring all those fabulous fresh fruits and vegetables just waiting to be crafted into the latest piece of edible table art for your family's nutritional enjoyment. Okay, Martha Stewart I'm not - but I could probably do a mean Rachel Ray with my EVVO in hand!

I have people email me all the time wanting to know what is the best diet plan I can recommend. It is easy and no big secret...a BALANCED diet! If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you have to eat properly and exercise daily. This means eating a diet that has lean healthy proteins, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats and getting a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise everyday.  You may not lose it quickly, but trust me the weight will come off and you will begin to feel so much better. Besides, it isn't about how quickly you get there - it's about developing lifelong habits to help you stay there! I know I'm not breaking record strides in going from fat to fabulous, but I'm okay just knowing I'm moving closer to healthy and keeping the weight off. Slow and steady really does win the race.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

No One is Messing with My Chi

I got up this morning and was actually excited to get the YogaX going while the rest of my family lay all snug in their beds. It had been awhile. I wasn't really sure how my body would take it. Was I going to be all over the mat? What about my balance? And the knee, yeah can't forget about the knee. I could feel a little anxiety starting to build as I went to the kitchen to prepare my water glass. But I had a great week. I saw all those "blue" marks on my WOWY SuperGym Calendar.

"I can do this! And even if I don't make all those vinyasas perfect I will simply do my best and forget the rest."

I am so proud of myself. Today I did YogaX like never before. I was amazed at how much I've improved. I still struggled with a few of the moves. My half moon has definitely come along way, it ain't pretty, but it ain't bad either. Every move I tried hard to "clear my mind and stay focused in the NOW." I knew I had a lot on my plate later, so many things to do, but I would get to those AFTER I had time to give my body a real treat. After all that is what Tony says YogaX is, right? A real treat for your body. Heck, I believe it.

I really went out of my comfort zone a couple of times today. My attempt at crane still has me struggling...the butt still gets in the way of I will definitely have to work on that one more. But I was impressed with most of my poses. I will give credit to doing the TurboFire ® Core 20 Class/Stretch 40 Class every other day for the last couple of weeks. It really has increased my flexibility and endurance. Definitely it showed today with the YogaX. I totally ENJOYED the entire workout!

Look I know some of you think the YogaX is too hard or you just don't need it. Think again. The YogaX is one of the most important things you can do for your body to improve your athleticism. It allows you to stretch your muscles, improve your strength, flexibility and balance. It helps you improve your core and posture. You can even improve you concentration and ability to focus. Not to mention, actually lower your blood pressure and improve your mood. YogaX has so many good things going on that it is hard to list them all. But if nothing else, it will help you BRING IT even better in those killer P90X ® workouts. Now if that doesn't make it important, I don't know what else will.

Look, no one is expecting you to get out there and slap your palms to floor with your heel stretched to the ceiling or wrap your legs into a pretzel. All Tony ever asks is that, "you do your best and forget the rest."  

YogaX - it's in the rotation for a reason...keep it there. Do what you can that day and make a commitment with yourself to try harder each week. You will get just have to "KEEP PUSHING PLAY!"

It is said that your "chi" is the devine essence of being, that invisible life energy that surrounds us. Martial artist combine their chi with strength and power to overcome their opponents. Though I am by far no martial artist, I'm definitely calling on all powers to put my husband in his place...after all I have a bet to win. Yeah, you better believe me..."no one is messing with my chi!"

Thursday, September 2, 2010

P90X 90 Day Total Body Transformation Faceoff

My hubby has recently wagered that he can make a bigger 90-Day Total Body Transformation than I can. I have three words for him..."BRING IT ON!"

On September 1, 2010 - December 1, 2010 we began a duel to the fittest! I'm even going to play this all "low-impact"! So I'm bringing the P90X ® back to the program rotation, that and a little modified TurboFire ® . Not to mention some Shakeology ® and down right 100% major VEGETARIAN/VEGAN NUTRITION. Oh, yeah this boy is going down for the count and I'm walking away with the belt!!!

I'm inviting anyone that has a significant other to add the fuel to the flame. If you have someone that you have been trying for months to get motivated, get their butts up off at that sofa and bring 'em in here! You know it won't be long to Holiday Party time. How many of you would like to go to that party and turn some heads? This is definitely the challenge of all challenges. A real battle of the sexes. And even if you are in it alone, come a join us. This is a "no man or woman left behind" deal! Us women are going to show these boys just how it is meant to go down...It is GAME ON!!!

I'm looking to bring some fellas to Challenge our Cinderella Pact. I want you boys to show us what you are made of. But don't be surprised if we girls show you how it is done! We've been pretty darn busy in here and I betting we are going to see some pretty outstanding transformations by the end of this challenge.

The prize my friends will be getting you and your partner in the BEST 90-DAY RESULTS YOU'VE EVER SEEN!!! Are you up for the challenge?

We are going to be tracking our progress on Facebook . So if you have a facebook account, please send me a friend request and come join in for fun and motivation! And I really would appreciate your support as well!

And don't forget, I am an Independent Team Beachbody Coach and I can help you reach your fitness and nutrition goal for FREE! So if you don't have a Team Beachbody account, sign up today and I can be YOUR COACH!!! What are you waiting for? Isn't it time you joined in on the fun! Let your journey begin today!

I want COACH EQUILDOTTSIN to coach me!