This morning I showed up for class, I didn't hesitate as I made my way to the front of the room. And when Chalene told me she needed 110% I said, "I'll give you 130%!" I got my mind right. It wasn't about how perfect or how high I could jump - it was about giving the most INTENSITY I could find once those sirens went off. If you've never done this program, let me tell you there is something psychological about those sirens. It is like this subliminal message that Chalene has planted somewhere in your subconcious from the very first day when you listen to the "Get Fired Up" motivational dvd. Once the seed is grows each and every time you "PUSH PLAY"- YOU BELIEVE IN YOU because SHE BELIEVES IN YOU! Let me tell you, I have dug deeper, pushed harded than I ever thought possible - and my fitness has totally taken off!
Remember me? I'm the girl that couldn't even jog a few short months ago. I'm the girl that twisted and reinjured her knee just weeks ago. I'm also the girl that did the TurboFire ® HIIT 25 Class this morning and went on to RUN 1.77 miles with my puppy!!! HOOYEAH!!! I BELIEVE IN ME!!!
Seriously, this has pushed me to a whole new level. What I once saw as impossible - now looks possible. I am now starring down the tunnel to the light at the end and it looks AMAZING!!! I am very close to my goal weight and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, I WILL GET THERE! All it took was learning how to fuel my body properly and then reving up the engine and watching it BURN, BABY, BURN! Life is good - but it is about to get so much BETTER!
Keep PUSHING PLAY and BRING IT! Impossible does happen, when you BELIEVE!
I normal don't post unflattering pictures of myself, but this is picture is worth more than anything I could ever describe for you. So get past the fact that I wear absolutely NO makeup when I run - and you will see underneath all that SWEAT is a face of accomplishment - this may not be pretty, but it sure felt GOOD!!!